Marinated champignon totum
Product Name: Marinated Champignon totum
Specification: NW: 530g DW 320g, XII Vitri Jar / Carton
Ingredientia: champignon, sal, aqua, saccharo, acetic acidum, cepa, allium, nigrum peper, mustules semina
FLUTEO Vita: III annos
Notam: "optimum" vel oem
Speculum hydria stipare | ||||
Spec. | NW | Dw | Jar / CTNS | CTNS / 20fcl |
212mlx12 | 190g | 100g | 12 | (IV) |
314mlx12 | 280g | 170g | 12 | MMMDCCLX |
370mlx12 | 330G | 190g | 12 | MMM MMM |
580mlx12 | 530g | 320g | 12 | MM |
720mlx12 | 660g | 360g | 12 | MDCCC |
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In praeclara turba nos aim excellentiam in omnibus nobis. Cum nostris philosophia honestus, fiducia, muti, beneficium, vincere vincere, ut nos aedificatur fortis et perpetuam relationes nostra clients.
Nostrum objectum est excedunt consumers exspectatione. Ideo contendunt permanere providere clients cum altum qualitas products, optimum ante-servitium et post-servitium pro se productorum.